Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

School Christian Vision


Our school seeks to provide a Christian environment where people are valued in an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance, promoting success, enabling them to reach their full potential in stimulating surroundings.


The school motto is:

  This motto has been carefully considered in order to reflect the true educational and Christian values of Milnrow Parish CE Primary school and is at the heart of our mission statement.

 Through consultation with pupils, staff, governors and parents we decided on four words to communicate our values and beliefs:


‘Learn’ is at the forefront of our minds in school. Through education we learn and develop. We also learn about ourselves and others around us both  socially, emotionally and spiritually.

 ‘Achieve’ reflects the importance of achieving academically but also personally, continuously aiming high to achieve our dreams.

 ‘Love’ is considered in the whole sense of the word. We aim to create a love of learning but also a love of life and living. We encourage the Christian values of love and respect for all children regardless of their race, gender , beliefs or background.

 ‘Believe’ encourages children to develop self belief in their own achievements both personally and academically. It also affirms our Christian belief in God which is at the heart of our school. 


Our theologically rooted Christian vision for the school is:

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