Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Welcome to Year 4

Five Ways to Wellbeing

2023- 2024

September 2023 - Year 4 had a great morning investigating square numbers using counters

23.5.23 - Today, parents came into Year 4 to take part in an art session with their children.  They had fun producing a collage in the style of artist Archimboldo.  Well done Year 4!

18th May 2023, well done to Year 4 for practising their times tables in the Arch Alliance TTRS Competition. They all worked really hard and we are proud of you all. A huge well done to Joshua, who was the overall winner of the competition.

15.5.23 - Today we went to Hollingworth Lake and took part in water activities.  We had a such a lovely time and all the children were really well behaved.

10.5.23 - This afternoon, Year 4 have created their own collage in the style of artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo. They used fruits and vegetables of their choice to represent a facial feature to create a face.

Coronation Celebrations 5.5.23

3.2.23 - Year 4 Award winners enjoying the reading corner for Friday Fiction.

16.1.23 - Fun in the snow!

Year 4 Assembly 29.11.22, Well done on an amazing assembly. You worked so hard to remember all your lines and every verse of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'. We are extremely proud of you!

30.9.22, today we had Rachel in from Life Education

Today, 28.9.22, we went into our Imagination Station and we had an amazing time.

Year 4 trip to Blackpool Zoo - we had an amazing time and the children were all really well behaved.

We are very proud to announce that Eliyah, Evie and Worship all received a pen license today.  Well done - you have all worked really hard for this. 

Here is our song to the Year 6 leavers.  Good Luck Year 6.

This afternoon (10.6.22), Year 4 have had fun starting to decorate their musical instruments from recycled materials. We created a wax resist pattern involving musical notes and symbols. Next week, we will look at identifying different size tins create a different pitched sound.

Jubilee Celebrations 27.5.22

26.5.22 - Year 4 have had an amazing day at Hollingworth Lake taking part in the water activities. The children have shown resilience and perseverance and their behaviour was exemplary. Well done Year 4 - you should be proud of yourselves ☺️

World Book Day 2022

Year 4 Swimming Awards 7.02.22

Today, Year 4 have received their swimming certificates (awards 1-4) – we are extremely proud of them.  Well done Year 4.

Today, 14.9.21, in RHE we discussed 'positive, healthy relationship'.  Have a look at our faces - can you tell which emotions we are expressing? 

Today,8.9.21, we had fun and took part in some team building activities.

Today, we dressed up for World Book Day.  We had such fun dressing up as our favourite book characters.


Today, we watched our own firework display and went outside to help us describe Autumn in our English lesson.

Music Lessons

Today in our music lesson with Miss James, we have been practising Spanish songs.

Our Classroom

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