Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School


Sean Perkins Workshop 05.10.23

Today, Sean Perkins came in to do a poetry workshop with KS2. 



Science Rocks!

We have been learning about rocks in science.  We tested the properties of rocks including hardness, permeability and density.  

Light Fantastic!

In this topic we did a number of experiments exploring light.  We did a bear cave experiment to look at how amounts of light affect how much we can see.  To investigate how light reflects we made periscopes and then used them to look around corners or 'spy' on each other.  Our last experiment was exploring how we could affect the length of shadows by moving the object closer or further away from the background on which it fell.  The gallery below shows us working scientifically.

Foundation Subjects


We have been looking at maps so far this year.  We have used our exciting new resource Digimap to help us look at Milnrow as an aerial photograph and as an OS map.  WE have been learning to use the website to zoom in and out and move along roads to places like Hollingworth Lake


In art we have been exploring cave art, understanding how prehistoric people created pieces that reflected their daily lives and used natural materials to create their palettes.

We have also worked on a unit of art that explored how shape (geometry) is so important in creating the shapes within items we draw.



In history we have been looking at the Stone Age through to the end of the Iron Age.  We explored how the Stone Age was a huge period of time but it was the discovery of bronze and then iron allowed humans to make advances in how they shaped their world and lived their lives.

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