Reading for Pleasure
At Milnrow, we strive to give every pupil pleasure in reading. We want our pupils to engage in a world of reading; whether that be through the independent reading of their favourite novel, listening to an adult tell them a story, informal book talk surrounding a comic, recommending literature to a friend, being a member of our local library or simply reading to each other. We aim for all our pupils to be readers. How we define a 'reader' is not simply a child that reads, but it is a child that gains satisfaction from this world of reading and every experience or memory it provides. Our understanding and knowledge comes from invaluable research and pedagogy, which shows the key benefits that reading for pleasure can have on every pupil, both now and in later life. The way in which we raise the profile of reading in school will adapt as our children's interests and habits change; it is our pupils who are the driving force behind our mission. This mission is one that will never stop.
What is reading for pleasure?
Reading for pleasure has been defined by the National Literacy Trust as:
“Reading that we do of our own free will, anticipating the satisfaction that we will get from the act of reading.”
For us, we want reading to be intrinsic; we want our pupils to place reading high up on their agenda in their own free time. We want them to love the experience that reading brings and enjoy the moments and memories that are created through reading and being read to.
Why is reading for pleasure so important?
“Children who love reading will read more and, over time, choose literature which is more demanding and suitably stretching….All reading makes a difference, but evidence suggests that reading for pleasure makes the most .”
So much research has been done into the relationship that reading shares with academic achievement and success in later life. Many studies have found that children who both enjoy reading and choose to read achieve better in school and within education. This is not solely in reading but other areas of the curriculum. This is because the skill and love of reading brings about a set a skills that lend themselves to learning and socialising. Furthermore, other research has found that children who read for pleasure and are immersed in reading will have greater success in later life.
At Milnrow, we see the benefit and the positivity that reading can bring: whether this is a class story, delving into a comic during Friday Fiction, using a recipe in Design Technology or performing a playscript in the playground, our love for reading will always be a priority and something we love.
Milnrow Parish have been successful in gaining the Reading for Pleasure Gold quality mark. Click here to view the summary report .
How can parents and carers support reading for pleasure?
First, we want to thank you for the support you offer your child in reading. At Milnrow, we always aim to work together with parents to ensure that every child reaches their potential and is the happiest pupil they can be. The following leaflet can be downloaded, which outlines Milnrow's 'Top Tips' for encouraging reading at home. If you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.